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Fight Club 10 Round Circuit Training changes lives.
Real Kickboxing, Boxing, Fitness Drills & Weight Training - Always different, Never Boring!
An incredible 40-minute workout!
3-minute rounds with a 1-minute break
All Fitness Levels learn and enjoy this workout. Every round can be modified for each level.
We want you to be successful and thrive helping others with this program. Christina Rondeau has been a leader in the Fitness Industry and has over 32 years experience.
Community - Family - Team
Contact us today for ownership licensee pricing and availabilities. 401-996-5425 - info@rkblive.com

Leadership - Experience
Support - Professional Training
Promotions that will fill your Facility
A licensed fitness program
that you can afford.
We want you in communities because Fight Club - 10 Round Circuit Training
Changes Lives !
We make a difference,
and we want you to Succeed!
Mind - Body - Soul